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Generation of HOPE

Generation of HOPEThe holidays are a time when we find generations gathering in celebration and waiting with anticipation for what the next year will bring. When we look at the youngest in our families, we have thoughts of hopefulness. A hope that they will know success, kindness, be afforded all the opportunities in the world, and be given a chance to love their own family when it comes time.

We at HOPE Farm look at our young men in the same way. We hope and pray that the cycles of fatherlessness will be broken in the next generation, and that our boys would understand their greater God-given purpose in this world and succeed. But we can’t do it alone. As we gather this season and prepare ourselves to ring in the new year, we need your help for a pressing matter: Generational Hope.

This is where You come in.

As a part of our HOPE Farm family, we need your help to take care of the next generation. With your support, we can bring up a Generation of Hope: boys that are filled with renewed purpose, who have a hope for a better future, not only for themselves, but for their own families later. You have a chance to be a part of a legacy of change.

We invite you to give a generous gift towards our mission before December 31st, renew the sense of hope in the next generation, and watch our boys flourish in the years to come.

Please make a gift today at

Thank you, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year!

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