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From the Desk of Sacher Dawson

2 Steps Forward:
The Past Does Not Define Our Future


From the Desk of Sacher DawsonEvery person, young and old, is a physical and emotional culmination of past experiences. A five-year-old boy who comes into our program may have already experienced sorrow, pain, disease, death, conflict, or trauma. While these kinds of negative experiences may make it feel like steps backward in life, we have embraced as our theme this year, 2 STEPS FORWARD – the idea that we are always looking optimistically toward a future that is full of God’s grace, forgiveness, love, and hope.

We have focused all fall on taking 2 steps forward and forgetting what is behind—we want to inspire our boys to reach forward to what is ahead. I pursue, as my goal the prize promised by God’s heavenly call in Christ Jesus. In Philippians 3:12, Paul said that he hasn’t arrived at full maturity, but he is pressing on toward knowing Christ more and growing every day. This is our wish for our organization that we continue to move forward and pursue excellence. We are not satisfied where we are, and we want to keep growing. We want a holy discontent that keeps us pressing forward. Our goal is to become excellent Christians and fulfill our kingdom purpose. To have a clear direction for our future, we need to sometimes let go of the past and not allow the past to be a controlling factor in our lives.

God assures us a plan to give us hope and a future. Our future is sure and certain that God’s best plan for us is already set. He sent his Son to die on the cross for us and win us a place beside Him in heaven. God has only the best in store for us!

From the Desk of Sacher Dawson

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